A Death at the White Camellia Orphanage
Mercer University Press, March 30th, 2012
hardcover or ebook |
If you look at the list of top ten blog posts in the left-hand column, you will find that my number-one all-time blog post (standing now at 1,390 visitors, though "16 things I learned from editing
qarrtsiluni" is close behind) was
the first of the "I Interview My Visitors"series. The subject was Susanna Leberman of Lacey's Spring, Alabama--a wonderfully impetuous, lovely, passionate, careless-in-spelling-and-apostrophes, hat-wearing diarist on livejournal. She breaks my heart with her annual passage of grief for her much-beloved father; she fascinates me with her Eastern Star and her bonfires and her love for history and people of all ages and all sorts. She has a strain of goodness-without-goodiness that is rare, and she spills over with a little more life than most people can muster.
Now Susanna has asked me a question as part of the book-launch interviews for
A Death at the White Camellia Orphanage. You may find her right
Comments are off; please leave any comments on Susanna's livejournal site!