Our second event for Fae Malania and the reprint of her 1961 Knopf book, The Quantity of a Hazelnut (Seabury, 2005), went off very well, hosted by Pat Donnelly (director) and Trish Webster (activities director). The reception was in the parlor at the Thanksgiving Home, with old-fashioned songs on piano and wine and cheese and crunchies. Every person who bought a book at the original launch party was invited, and I think that they all came. The room was crowded with friends of the book, as well as with most of the residents of the Home.
Fae looked delicate and pretty and happy, and that went a very long way to making the rest of us feel very pleased. I sold more "nuts," and I think that the book has done exceptionally well in our little village.
Now I need an accountant!
Meanwhile Fae has a lovely review in Library Journal:
MALANIA, FAE. The Quantity of a Hazelnut. Seabury. 2005. c.138p. ISBN1-59627-014-4. pap. $14. REL This gem of a book contains many years' worth of meditations on life's wonders and struggles by Malania, former Mademoiselle staff member and widowof an Episcopal priest. Malania writes with singular facility and wit; her mind engages the likes of T.S. Eliot, Gerard Manley Hopkins, and Julian of Norwich as her prose addresses images as small as the titular hazelnut and problems as large as the death of a president. Not many spiritual writers could find wit enough to praise a camel with humor and dignity, yet Malania does. Highly recommended. (from the Spiritual Reading column by Graham Christian)
Edith Abbott, who has designed books for The Stinehour Press and other notable fine presses, thinks that Seabury did a first-rate job on the book.
My dear Fae,
ReplyDeleteIn all of the grandeur of the setting, you were the sparkling gem. It was wonderful to see so many of your friends turn out to celebrate with you!
I can never express how much your little "Hazelnut" has meant to me. But more than that, the beautiful smile on your face expressed true grace! Love, Mary
I found this site when I googled Fae Malania, which I did because I happened to pick up an original copy of Hazelnut at a library sale months ago, happened to unpack and shelve it just this weekend, and happened to take it off the shelf tonight looking for comfort and guidance. What a wonderful book. It didn't even need to be reprinted to find me, but I'm very glad it has been so it can find others. Thank you, Fae and Marly.