Recently Binghamton's Chapters Book Club, sponsored by the Press & Sun-Bulletin, asked writers who have been featured in the newspaper's book club--a six-week event involving articles, visits with readers, and a reading at Barnes & Noble of Binghamton--to write something about their reading during the preceeding year. You can see my comments, plus recommendations by Robert Morgan, Frederick Busch, and more at http://www.pressconnects.com/bookclub/summer/story2.shtml.
Never heard of either her or the paperback publisher but looked her up--as she claims to be broadcasting into 212 countries and have 200 million viewers at this point, she probably doesn't need my help! She appears to be one of the new breed of writer who publishes after developing a "platform" of fame somewhere other than in the realm of books. I find such developments curious, so thanks for noting this one.