An excerpt (print and audio) from my 2008 long post-apocalyptic poem, Thaliad, has gone on line at qarrtsiluni. Please click on the link below. And please leave comments at the site--I won't turn comments on here because I know that Dave Bonta and Beth Adams would like to have comments at qarrtsiluni.
I'm eager to see how people like this piece. Please leave a comment if you have an opinion... This section is part IV of XXIV parts.
Merry almost-Christmas,
Here's an excerpt from the editorial note that explains how it is posted:
"Thaliad (excerpt)'" went live this morning:
Please circulate the link to your friends and contacts.
As you'll see, I decided to take the rare step of restricting the archival and front-page view to a longish excerpt -
- so that the stuff we've just published won't be pushed too far down the page. I decided to do this only after verifying that the theme we're using employs a very obvious "more" link-text ("Read the rest of this entry >" in blazing red), and finding an arresting image to break it at (the butterfly tree). So I don't think any of our regular readers will be discouraged from reading the whole thing. I also chose to post it on a Wednesday because mid-week postings tend to get the most traffic. We're really excited to be publishing our first book-length poem excerpt, and we're hoping it gets as many viewers as possible.
PHOTOGRAPHIC CREDIT: The image from Ponte Sant'Angelo is in honor of the angel in Thaliad and in honor of the season and those angels who "great glad tidings tell." The photographer is Valentina Jori, Rome, courtesy of sxc.hu.