
Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thanksgiving, 2020...

Here's a dream of peace and health and gratitude for Thanksgiving. "The Peaceable Kingdom" by Edward Hicks, folk painter and Quaker minister. "Love one another." (Edward Hicks - National Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C., online collection.)

Amazon, indies, Ignatius... Finally! I've been disheartened by how few ways there are to purchase Charis in the World of Wonders, thanks to Covid-era warehouse/post/distribution problems and the book selling out at some indies & Amazon, but it is at last back up at Amazon. Want to order Charis in the World of Wonders through your local indie but having Covid-time troubles obtaining it? When brand new indie Goldberry (Concord, NC) wanted more copies, they ordered directly from Ignatius instead of the distributor. Workable idea!  Of course, you can order straight from Ignatius as well. 

CWR used an image by my daughter from 2013.

Carl  Olson, “Axe-grinding and message spoil what you make”: An interview with Marly Youmans  And here's an extensive interview with me, conducted by editor and writer and artist  Carl Olson over several weeks. Catholic World Report, 22 November 2020 (landed on my birthday.)

Hand and Charis-copy of Carl Olson's sister, 
somewhere near Glacier National Park...

I'm grateful to Catholic World Report for being interested in my Massachusetts Bay Colony adventure, as they also hosted the marvelous review by Jane Greer, 2020’s "Best-kept Literary Secret: Marly Youmans’ Charis in the World of Wonders is broad and deep, sweet and savage, funny and terrifying, and just plain grand."

Editor John Wilson on A YEAR OF READING: 2020Look for Charis in the World of Wonders...


  1. I'm (finally) reading Charis, and about 100 pages in I report it fabulous (in several senses) and surprisingly Dickensian. Thank you for writing another great novel.

    Also, happy belated birthday!

    1. Scott, thank you for being a reader of mine--honored that you spend your time with my books! It has been a bit rugged to have yet another book intersect with historical events, but I'm hoping people will continue to find it...

  2. I'm always happy to read anything you write. Though this year has been difficult all around. My work continues through the pandemic, remotely from home, which means that everything takes longer than it would otherwise, and there's a lot more of "everything" to do in terms of student services, finances, purchasing, policies, contracts, etc. An endless endlessness of work, and I don't mind admitting that I'm exhausted by it all. For which reason I'm not reading much, and my poor imaginary Antarctica is by and large unvisited by its author. I've made notes and poked at the MS here and there, but mostly it's sitting ignored. I have submitted another book or two to a few agents/small presses, so not entirely forgetting that I'm a writer.

    I love the thread theme in Charis, and all the fabrics and dyes. Beautiful stuff. You always write so well about art and making.

    1. So sorry that things are more mountainous than before. I have similar feelings--Covid19 seems to have multiplied my need to go to North Carolina often, and then other family problems crop up (one child isolated in Canada, one who had to be moved.) I hope that you get more peace of mind and time soon, and voyage back to Antarctica. And much luck with the submissions.

      Thanks for the Charis-comments. I'm hoping still that it finds a reasonable number of readers despite the times.

  3. The reasons - referred to in my first comment of November 15 - are slackening. Productiveness should ensue.

    1. RR, I am hoping that were wonderful, enticing, and fine reasons!


Alas, I must once again remind large numbers of Chinese salesmen and other worldwide peddlers that if they fall into the Gulf of Spam, they will be eaten by roaming Balrogs. The rest of you, lovers of grace, poetry, and horses (nod to Yeats--you do not have to be fond of horses), feel free to leave fascinating missives and curious arguments.