
Monday, April 14, 2014

"Irresistible Sonnets" at Lady Word of Mouth

Mary Meriam's new anthology, Irresistible Sonnets, is up at Lady Word of Mouth. Please help it sell like hotcakes! (Click here to see lots of information about the book.) And she put one of my poems in the post--a big surprise for me and an extra for those of you who read my work. The poem originally appeared in Able Muse.

This is a treasure that you must allow to ravish you slowly.
--Robin Williams, Author of Sweet Swan of Avon: Did a Woman Write Shakespeare?

This stunning collection of "Irresistible Sonnets", like a handful of snowflakes, contains no two alike.
--Rayne Allinson, Author of A Monarchy of Letters: Royal Correspondence and English Diplomacy in the Reign of Elizabeth I

Click to purchase +
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