
Saturday, June 02, 2012

The Palace Cat

Just call me a sort of secretarial Puss 'n Boots. The blog-ruling woman (known to me as the Countess of Carabas) is too tired to post today, having just returned from the grand high astonishing ordination of the (beauteous and kind) Emily Hylden at The Cathedral of All Saints. She also went to the Asian market, but to my great disgust did not buy me any duck intestines with soft eggs or tripe or pork uteri. Poo! What do I care for longan and saffron and persimmons and funny little mangoes and other unappetizing items? Then she went out to eat at a Pakistani restaurant but came home with a "doggie" bag. Pfft! She will return tomorrow afternoon. Right now she needs a "cat" nap.


  1. Ah, but you did post today, and a very humorous one too! Enjoy your feline nap after such an exciting day!

  2. Crawling out from under my sleep rock at 6:00 and must bestir myself! Another busy day...

  3. P. S. Nothing sillier than waking up to a cat with its tongue sticking out... The little mooch!

  4. Persimmons are a bit of a thing of hers aren't they?

  5. i know, P.C. There's just no accounting for taste in humans.

  6. I am glad you have such a market in close proximity to your house. I always enjoy a visit to ethnic markets, but never have the heart or the guts to try out the really tough stuff. Sometimes I will buy something new of the more innocuous variety, but not know what to do with it. And let's face it: I do not plan to buy a stinky durian any time soon, even though I actually tasted one, sharing someone's dish in a restaurant, and found it pleasing.

  7. Lucy: Yes!

    Z. C.: Agreed.

    Robbi: She has eaten durian. On the other side of sthe world. I stay home and eat mice. I am a cat of sense.

  8. Actually jackfruit is close cousin to durian, I believe. You may have had that one!

  9. I thought jackfruit was just another name for durian.

  10. Durian is more hard and bitter with a spikey skin, where jackfruit is smooth and thin-skinned and does not stink when ripe! Actually, they probably aren't related...

    And now that you have made me remember the Asian Market, I am going to go downstairs and eat some longan fruits!


Alas, I must once again remind large numbers of Chinese salesmen and other worldwide peddlers that if they fall into the Gulf of Spam, they will be eaten by roaming Balrogs. The rest of you, lovers of grace, poetry, and horses (nod to Yeats--you do not have to be fond of horses), feel free to leave fascinating missives and curious arguments.