
Tuesday, April 03, 2012

The Fugitive Light

January-April 2012
Editors: Siona van Dijk and Dave Bonta

"The Fugitive Light" is up at qarrtsiluni, one of those interesting 'zines where one can leave comments and have a discussion with readers. So I shall turn comments off here in honor of the hard work of Siona van Dijk and Dave Bonta. This one is, I believe, my favorite issue so far. qarrtsiluni is managed by Dave Bonta and Beth Adams.

Note on the poem: “The Fugitive Light” pays homage to the young Richard Wilbur of The Beautiful Changes and Other Poems (1947). However, the subject matter of the death of the beloved comes from the elder Mr. Wilbur and his poem “The House” (Anterooms, 2010), evoking his late wife and the longing that comes after death parts those who had the fortune of a happy marriage. Likewise I have ended with the simplicity of his late poems.

Read or download chapter one of A Death at the White Camellia Orphanage: at Scribd.